Dashboard Metrics
Custom Configurations
Multiple User Roles
Manage Voicemails
Read voicemails instead of listening to them
Voice to text technology decreases time spent listening to voicemails and improves response time.
![read voicemail](/img/home_panel1.png)
View statistics and find trends
On the voicemail dashboard, you can identify when you receive the most voicemails and what topic is the most popular.
![get statistics](/img/home_panel2.png)
Receive voicemails via Email, JIRA, or Freshdesk
Select the workflow that is best for you! You can receive voicemails via email, JIRA, or Freshddesk.
![Receive voicemails via Email, JIRA, or Freshdesk](/img/home_panel3.png)
Gather Feedback
Learn what is working and what isn't
Gathering feedback is the best way to know what you are doing well and what you can do to improve.
![Gathering feedback](/img/home_panel4.jpg)
Connect with users
Following up on submitted feedback is a great way to show the user that their voice is being heard.
![Gather feedback info](/img/home_panel5.png)
View statistics and find trends
On the feedback dashboard, discover what devices and browsers are most used. Filter feedback by date range and discover trends throughout the year!
![Get statistics](/img/home_panel6.png)
Receive feedback via email, JIRA, or Freshdesk
Feedback notifications are fully customizable. You can receive notifications when negative feedback is submitted, anytime a user enters a comment, or when a user requests to be contacted.
![Receive feedback via email, JIRA, or Freshdes](/img/home_panel7.png)
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